Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Untitled Post

What do you know.... while I was here waiting for the family of that motorcyclist I "hit" last week to call me, they quietly went and made a police report. Now, I'll have to go to the police station and face charges. First thing I would be charged for is failure to report an accident. Which has made me look like I hit and run. Those sneaky lil bastards. If I had hit and run, how else would that worthless, uneducated old cunt get to the hospital? She would have died there for all I care. After all the things that I had offered her, now I have to face the cops? You gotta be fucking kidding me. I wished that nothing serious happened to you last tuesday. This tuesday I hope, you'd die a miserable death, smash your ugly face into someone else's bumper, get your limbs run over by a tractor and LIVE the rest of your life without a face and limbs, coz thats what you are, fucking cowards, 2 faced mongrels. I'd personally go over and break that arm of yours since you claimed that is broken.

Why does everyone want to make me feel as tho I'm used and manipulated, that I should not help or take any responsibility at all for anything that happens around me? Am I supposed to be driven to a point where I am no longer human, then this world is satisfied with me?

FUcking bikers. fucK you all la.

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