Thursday, January 26, 2006


I have a new friend. Her name is Blorish. She's a "Blonde" Irish girl. She loves Bailey's coz its irish cream. She checks expiry dats underneath bottled alcoholic drinks. she has her own language. MOst of the words consist of "RAhHh". She even says that during..... pEAk hours. hahahahaha!!!

Man did we all had a good laugh or what. What would our lives be without this.... SpEciaL girl? ahahah. Pricessless.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Habit To Ruin

I got this site while visitting jocey's blog.

*check this out*

Chinese new year is coming sooOn,more foody food food. Soon after that, college will bEgin. Another whole new life for me? Dont know....

buy me a car,
buy me a house,
give me my education,
give me a life.
give me love, and Im still like this.

I wished I was a part of the Harry Potter story, i wanna turn the round thing 3 times N turn back time.

Is it me, is it you,
Nothing that I could do,
To make you change your mind....

Is it me, is it you
Nothing that
I could do,
Is it a waste of time....

Monday, January 23, 2006



I have to say, that was ONE helluva nerve wrecking match. Hearts all beating fast. But alas, A gOoOd win. Rio Ferdinand, I salute u!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hopping Mad

Is my tone of voice...SO unbelievably difficult to differentiate that it causes confusion and thus misunderstandings and then arguments? Is it so hard to sort out plain comments from AccuSAtions? If it is so, then Im better of not saying anything.mutE! So I wouldnt be a burden when I terasa n get piSsEd.Or better, Dont talk to me, coz you'll never know when, or how or why my body temperature rises.Im can say.Sensitive? yEah mAybE.Terrible temper? yEAh,maybe tHAt too! Im UnbEliEvable aren't I?

You all think I LIKE having bad/hot/ugly temper? Hell no I dont. It burdens me.I hate it just as much as AnY oF you all hAte it. But what can I do? To everyone else, Im getting piSsEd over things as minor as ABC. But to me, I feel I just cant take it.Keep it in any longer and Im about to be like a balloon trying to fit in 10Kg of water. Maybe try cracking an egg on top of my head sometime,maybe I could make you some fried egg.

Look at me now, Im piSsy and gRumpy at times like tHIS.I should very well be sleeping...or.. eating.Im being a grouch and Im not happy bout it. Im just gonna force myself to bed n hope this will blow over when I wake up.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Balance Of Serious N StupiditY

Results results results....After the Long wait... my results landed safely at me doorstep yesterday.wahaha.. thE joY... the happiness...the relief! lalala... NO FAILS! waHoO! it isnt a very beautiful slip of paper... neither did I pass with FLyiNG rainbow colors. But its good enough for me. Hey.. no fail[s]!! ahahaha.My first in....3 years.Hopefully when I go home later, I'll get a Big biG pressie! nAh...juz kidding...

Anyway, went to Karma last nite for a drink and a VERy belated mini birthday celebration with a friend.Didnt notice Manchester had a match...with Manchester.HOWEVER... it DIDNT turn out so well.Manchester United AGAin,had bad defence thus allowing Manchester City to take OWN the match. 3-1. Im wallowing in my tears man.Meanwhile,ARSENAL, made Middlesbrough hide under their covers coz the match ended in an astounding 7-0 win. INSANE... goD DAmn @#$@!#$!@#$ Arsenal.Depressed. I was so depressed I drank alil too much.Or, it was because I didnt have my dinner before drinking.Killer.

So there... my vEry wonderful,yet not wonderful weekend.Oh btw, Bangkok Jazz is beautiful. Nice place.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Far Away

This time, this place,
Too long, too late,
Who was I to make you wait,
Just one chance,
Just one breath,
Just in case there's just one left,
Coz you know,you know, you know,

That I love you,
I have loved you all along,
And I miss you,
Been far away for far too long,
I keep dreaming, you'll be with me,
And you'll never go,
Stop breathing,If
I dont see you anymore.

I wanted,
I wanted you to stay,
Coz I needed,
I need to hear you say,
That I love you,
I have loved you all along,
And I forgive you,
For being away for far too long,
So keep breathing,
Coz Im not leaving you anymore,
Believe it,
Hold on to me, never let me go.....

I hate the way I still have my moodswings.....

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bad Day

Isnt this year supposed to be a better year for the...tigers?If this is a bad year.... i can see why... this is only the beginning.

motHEr fuCkinG FUckEd up stupid....ME! COck eyed i gotta fork out 400 bucks. Bloody darn expensive to kiss someone's Ass.Maybe I should lay off driving for awhile. There were So mAny times...I could have gotten into MAnY many accidents..but was fortunate enough to slip away. for more than 2 years... I have NEVER had an accident that was My fault b4.. this is totally degrading.EnouGh... I shall speak no more of my shameful accident.....thE end.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Eve 05-06

this is a vERy late update on the new year's eve...

the preparation...:the chubBy's Crib

"LoOk...u cant see my face..."

the drive out....

And AWay we Go

At the party place...:1U promenade/rainforest

the countdown

After the countdown....


location...: 1u carpark

Cam-whoring session began

caught in the action

"NoT gonna poSe....Stop TAking!!!"


when my car stoPpEd looking like a lightning generator, we all headed to Asia cafe for SuppEr!... or breakfast of the new year. the end.