Wednesday, December 29, 2004

"Taking Lives"

The ultimate shOck-of-your-life experience was part of my unusual Yum Cha session with Flabby, Jace and Krystal last night. Entertaining for some....hEart-stopping for some. It was almost like a lab test to see hoW much me and Jace could take. Of course... thE best was mE...haha coz Jace almost DiEd..literally DiEd due to the.....ear torture given by Flabby. I guess it was more of a shock to Jace than it is to me.....The only thing that shocked me was that I tHought I had known nothing, other than what I originally knew. But...the truth was that all I knew was all that happened. Flabby was juz pulling out legs. At first, I was confidant that it was all bullshit... but knowing me... and knowing bound to believe whatever she says. If it was real, I felt like either I was gonna Sink into the chair... or fall onto the ground...or... slam my face on the table..or simply SmoKE the Freshly bought pack to dust.

Overall.....I am juz stonnEd and......I have nothing else to say. I just believe the things that flabby may think im gullible and blur, but it's juz simply because I trust her and I pray that flabby will never lie to me or hide things from me.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Self Reflection???

Being tired SuckS...Ruins everything. Killed my sense of humour and worst of all it killed my mood. Im losing my cool likE no boDy's business and I dont know how to have fun anymore. Atmos was......somewhat......boring last nite. I actually tRiEd to enjoy myself and put up that....face as though im enjoying it. Okay...but that can only last for so long...after that, I juz wanna get outta there. Even being in Su Ann’s house seemed more...interesting. Had a cup noodle and then down one V.S.O.P after surprisingly...AwakE. Went to Lotus to minum awhile, they went back and so did I. This is funny. I was Dead sleepy at 12 something when music was BlAsting like crazy... but DAmN awake at 3 sumthing till 5 when the hse is so quiet. *scratches head* . Actually... I suddenly miSsed Nouvo last nite. Felt like I wanted to be in Nouvo more than Atmos....I Dont knoW why. oh well..... nExt week mayb?

Anyway....I realised that things are not always what it seems. And things should never be judged through someone else's words. Everything should be judged by YouRself based on youR own opinion AftEr you've seen, known or been through it. Easy to say huh? I know sometimes I Do listen to other ppl's opinion and that opinion soon becomes mine. I've seen things alot clearer and I understand why somethings are this way and not another. And I also realised that.... TruSt is important and essential in everything you're trying to achieve in a group.Oh well.....Satisfaction~~!!!!

I know I have alot to change. Qualities in me that neeDs to be improved, be it good or bad. I know nothing will change or get better if I dont start seeing into it. Shall this be my new year's resolution? I guess so. But then again, it's something i say everytime this time of the year. Somethings to change, added with will power but SomEhow still stays the same. Hmm.... Stubborn? Perhaps..... We shall see.

Another year will be gone...whats up ahead? I'll never know....4 more days till the new door opens up for me.

Saturday, December 25, 2004


Im back...agAin. This time, from the ever so tiring Sayo camp. This time, it was EvEn more tiring than ever. But well, at least i had something back in return. Games department did well despite the lack of help from all the "hElpful" committees. Got piSsed off several times, but all in all, we made it. I have to say, my temper is getting worse, and i dont know why. So flabby the boSs......Im sorry for all the times that i boiled up and ExploDed. You know i dont mean to do any of those, neither did i ever thought of pissing you off. Just wanna get the job done and running smoothly. You're still the besT boSs..hehe =p

Anyway, it's christmas now. Went to Hartamas for the countdown. Couldnt stay any longer, coz i've been making my eye lids Work out and basically my body has no more strength to fight it. I am a person that nEeDs sleep and rest. i am, writing out any info that i could think of without using more than 5 seconds to think bout what im gonna say. Which is why i Dont even understand what i just typed. I should update another time.....the bed is calling me in.

GooD night......Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Penis Name....

Ah...Nice to be back here with my bunch of maniac friends. The pack had just left from a mini "gathEring" at my place, since parents aren't around to say anything. I think i enjoy living alone more than with my parents. I think everyone...or almost everyone would like that. It just gives you so much more time for yourself and you dont have aNy rules to comply to. YoU make your own rules. Wanna smoke while on the comp..?? SMoKE lAAaAh. Your bunch of monkey friends wanna smoke crAck....SmoKE lAaaAh...just not when im around. That's a rule. =) I like it. Too bad i only have another 4 more days left to enjoy my freedom. This is the first time im left alone for SOoo many days. Other times are just... a day or 2.

Went to do some CraZy things last nite. Besides getting to see my friends...StoNnEd and see hoW stupid they look laughing at EverY damn thing, red eyes all, i DrovE BAckwards in the housing area. Well... since there were no cars, and i got bored. So, why not? My next target? drive backwards to KLIA. Okay..after sending them back, me and Iylia went to get supper coz my stomach was screaming for food since...12 something. We got ourselves Burger Ramly. YumMm...And that's bout wraps up today....another unusual crAzy day of the Chubby and gAng.

Flabby will be away......wish u have a safe trip, take care of urself and have the bEstest Fun. Will miss that......pig. Good Night.....morning.

Btw...just for some fun...

Your Penis Name is: Godzilla

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Chubby is CHuBby

Aight.... ChubbY's back to civilization...after a week in a remote area. Funny that im nEither glad nor sad to be back here. Although i Am gonna be home alone till i leave for my sayo camp coz my parents just flew to China last night. Eh..btw, you wouldnt believe that i actually gAINed 2 kg from camp. Amazing? madness should be the word. What do you expect from 5-6 meaLs a day?Even my sister said i looked like i have double chin from the side.hAhaAha.Who would like to be the first to see me really CHubBy? was alright.Except for a FeW minor things.... =).Though it was PrEtty Obvious that being a participant is SooooO much more fun. Even better...being the participants of THIS year's camp. They are ALL FreaKing pampered. Lucky lUcky people. Everything is provided... everything is nicely made easier for them... COmpAred to the time that I went...FoOohh.. these people are as though goin for a babysitting camp. And we are all baby-sitters. We're juSt toOo kind and ToooO nice. hahaha. But... they all lose out on many things... the experience and the reAL feeling of what things are really like. Oh well..... no other comments. My arms and legs are InfESted with...insect and mosquito bites. URgh.

Went to K.L today. For lunch, with Flabby and Wai Leng,my OC. Talked bout camp..typical topic of conversation especiAlly right after camp. I ate likE....a pig.Sumthing must be wrong with me. I dont usually eat Anything like that. Wonder Why....*scratches head*. muSt be camp. So...i guess now i DO deserve to be called ChuBBy. And flabby is....well... flabby. =p

Thats's all i guess. See ya.

Friday, December 03, 2004


Tracked to Ulu Yam again today...however...turns out to be an unsuccessful survey. Will have to go back there sometime next week. I think we barely tracked to the half-way point, we came back down... Now... at 10.45.. im DeaD tired. I think im gonna go to bed...ZzZzzzZzz.

Oh... watched Alexander today. interesting show. Does make a vEry ObviouS and significant point bout how power changes a person. Forget everything but yourself.You may remember who u love... but forget to care bout what they want and how they feel. AnyWayz.... i wanna go to sleep now b4 i sleep on the keyboard and have a treasure map on my face the next morning. GooD nites.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Economy Sized Dreams Of Hope

Have u ever wondered how stRong shopaholics are...? DAmn....I Do wonder now how they can last walking for houRs...sometimes on heels or those....u know uncomfy shoes, when you dont even see them do any exercise. Incredible. Went to Midvalley today with FlabBy. Tidak bErhasil.haha. So we moved on to K.L. where we continued our search for...CAmP clothes. FlabbY needed shorts and shirts....and bag while I needed shirts. Flabby went home with a Load full of new friends for her cupboard. [just 4 shirts and 1 shorts actually =)] I’ve got 2....somewhat indecent shirts...according to flAbby.

Indecent? I think it's DarN cutE! hehe

After killiNg our lEgs, it was dinner time. Though we werent really hungry coz we had coffee bean [My bAd]. OoOh...Guess where we had our dinner?...Jalan Alor. Yummy. The whole damn street is filled with restaurants, shops, stalls of FOOD. Shared 3 yuMmy dishes, another decent conversation, and that was our closing ceremony. A brief but a pleasant trip indeed. Times like these seems to be insatiable. Well Cherished and appreciated.

Time to get my....WeLL deserved rest. good nights.