Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Moment

Last time, if you'd ask me, if I were on a boat what would I be doing? I would have said, either not giving a fuck who's with me and enjoy standing RiGht at the edge of that boat letting the wind hit my face. When im satisfied, then i'll get down and chat with the people who are in the boat with me.But now? I feel like just sitting at the bAck of the boat and watch everything shrinks into the horizon. Watch the dock that I departed from get smaller and further until it finally dissapears.Watch yourself isolate from land.

Imagine you used to visit this...wonderful place once a long time ago for a holiday maybe. You loved it for it brought you peace, comfort and serenity. The holidays ends, you leave the beautiful place. You go home and tell everyone how lovEly that place was and said, you would go back there again. Maybe, in a years time, maybe longer? You get back there again. you feel exited. But when you arrive, you realise that it's different. The sAmE place that you once enjoyed yourself, but this time is different. Its still beautiful but its just not the same. Truth is, things change itself EvEryday that we dont even realise it.Major differences dont seem obvious overnight, or even in a week or two. But it sure as hell changes. And altho you tell yourself that, That was the moSt bEAutiful place in the world, That, was before. How ever pretty that place iS to your other friends, it just doesnt make you feel the same anymore. And you cant do a damn thing about it. Except, remember that the place, once gave you a moment you'll never forget and thats what you should treasure.The pAst wouldnt matter as much as it would have, had the place not changed. Because we are all humans, and we wouldnt know how to appreciate something until it's gone.Then we start to think, " is there a way,that we could preserve that one important thing for eternity?"

I saw utopia infront of me once, but I juSt couldnt reach out for it. And I KiLLed myself tyIng to reach it not knowing it was juST a dream. I wanted to feel one more time, what it feels like to feel...the way it made me feel.In my heart, I've given up along time ago.But in my head,piCtures of it just kept floating everywhere. I held on too tightly to a dream that was never meant to me mine.Every beginning, has an ending.It ended, Just that I was too stupid to never stop believing. Coz i wanted nothing more, than to see it again.

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