Saturday, January 01, 2005

Accident In Paradise

Lend a hand to help the needy. A little bit is never too little to receive nor is it too much to give. Dont be too selfish. Imagine what it's like to be the victims of that disaster. People say, pray for them, pray for those whose life has passed and those who lost loved ones. But what does prayers really do? As if prayers would help those who are starving, or wounded. What they need is all the physical help they can get. Food and medical supply.

Times like these are torturous to me because I know I am but a weAk human. As much as I feel that I have given is never enough. Doesnt even seem like it's a drop in a river, talk about the ocean. Why am I blogging at this time? Because I’ve simply worked my muscles to the max and imp unable to move my pathetic body. Stupid counterpain doesnt even work this time. I cant really bend over to pick up anything more than 4kg. Just that I didn't wanna admit it. .

The Halls are ALL filled up to the mAXXxxx....anymore it will bReAk the ceilings. Now I know what’s it like to be or...woRk in a harbour. At times it is pretty Stressing, but mostly it's quite fun. Which is why, I dont mind going back to help out... Hey... I dont get paid to do this ookAy? It’s voluntary work straight from the heart, and im glad I could lend a hand.

Anyway, anyone who reads this...Any tom, dick and harry who wanna contribute something to the disaster, go over to the Buddhist Vihara, 123 Jalan Berhala, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. Obviously at THIS time.... more man power is needed.Sigh....I wish my muscles weren't SO freAking weak. DAmit


jolene said...

manpower? oh hey.. i want to help. help in what? i don't have anything to donate though.

and i agree with the prayer shits. my dad was like saying what?! you're going out on new year's eve?! we're supposed to be praying and all that.. jokingly of course. and i was like wth?! praying doesn't do any good anyway!

CHiN said...

Eh... U wanna help?? hehe.. okAy. MANPOWER la... not stuff...but OF COURSE u can give both. How..? just go over to the temple. simple. Otherwise.... pRaY jolene... pray... i dont know what the heck for... but pRaY. lol

jolene said...

oh shoot. i don't really like going to temples.. cause i find it pretty icky finding people who i'm supposed to find. i can never seem to find those i'm supposed to find. grr. you call me lah!