Monday, January 17, 2005

Poverty Of Judgement

I wasnt gonna say anything or comment any further bout being....crookEd, until there was almoSt a WAR in between 2 blogs i've just read. And honeStly... the comments, the words used to describe and defend the way thAt mothEr fucker who thinks he's right burned a hole in my heart. And that pisSed me off. Who are you to judge whether THiS is wrong or right? Just because the law forbids gay marriage? That does not prove that it's wrong. WHo made the laws? Us. People. WHY? because majority of the people are dating the opposite sex. But does that mean that dating the opposite sex is right? What if dating the same sex was more common than dating the other? then wouldnt it be right? Im not saying at this point that it is RIGHT.... but whats so wrong bout it?

If shooting funny looks and giving *slaps to the head* is not discriminating, then what is? isnt it the same as goin around and saying to a black guy "Omg...i cant see him in the dark"?. Hell yEAh, it's downright discriminating. What makes you capable of doing that? What makes you think you're superior enough to shoot those looks and say those things? WHat in the hell makes you think that you're so right and WELL in the head that you think crooked people needs YOUR help? What makes you think that being in a Straight or what YOU call normal relationship has any more sincerity and love than a gay relationship? That obnoxious! Then there's no democracy at ALL in our society. You people are just oblivious of your surroundings. How can you say that you’re even trying to help when you're discriminating. Does it mean that saying that u cant see the black guy in the dark makes him fairer and clearer to your eyes? NO. So how can the silly thoughts and words of people who never learnt how to accept or will nEVeR learn to REspEct the "NON- Right" relationship will ever help? kISs my ass.

So what if they can never love someone from the opposite sex again? So what? That is their decision to make and No onE should interfere. What becomes, becomes. And your thoughts and words, should never be seen or heard just because YoU object. If you cant imagine yourself in a gay relationship then DonT. Who the fuck forces you to anyway? Just like if crooked people cant imagine themselves with the opposite sex, Why SHouLd they? Why should they force themselves to like something they're not interested in? Why should they live up to YOUR expectations? WHy should they, in the first place even THINK like you do? Like trash? is that what is expected of everyone? To hell with it.

How could some people be SO judgmental? Young and naive and you want to tell the world about your idea of thE "pErfEct" relationship?? Please.... go learn to deal with Your own flaws before judging others. Pathetic.

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