Saturday, January 08, 2005


What the fuck is wrong with today?? Did the entire world go on a mission to PiSS me off??? I was nicely helping out in temple when My moThEr fucKing piece oF shit bitch of a mom started scReaming over the phone mAking hell alot of fuss bout going to college and settle all the fees and shit. HeLLo...i can do it on Monday when i go to college..WhAt the hell's the big deal? And Why the FucK does she need to Scream over the phone about it? God DAmiT... i feel likE WrAngling her to death. Not to mention she rushed me back here and she's nicely Dyeing her Fucking hair. Im telling you, by the time i get to college, they're gonna close for lunch. Just wait.Then i would wish that I could just tuRn around and SLAP thE FUCK outta her. Bloody WOmAN!

She's fucking worse than the tsunami......I swear...i look at her for another 10 mins, im looking at my own grave. She's doing EvErything she can to make me boil even more. No chance to let me cool down and there she goes again, doing or saying something pIssing off. AND THEN BLAMES me for being ruDe... o.O???? WhAt in The bluE hell did i do to this...HELL-FOrSAken monster? bArGhH!! I just wanna go back to temple and work my ass off without saying a thing! At lEast bags of rice and boxes dont piss me off.....

Apologies for the crude post..... im not in the mood.... good byE

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