Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Make This Something Good

Maybe its a little late to think about what I want to do this year. But if its something good then perhaps nothing is too late huh? As always, I've been telling myself that I need more...confidence. I know to some, it may be an easy task. But to me? I find that its one of the hardest things to do. I used to sit comfortably in my lil zone not giving a damn bout anything. So, I didnt need confidence back then. But now, the older I get the more I feel that its becoming a hassle. If it wasnt because of confidence issue, I probably wouldnt have to do extra work for my 3D class last sem. I could have been more ambitious and designed a massive building, but, I didnt think that I could do it in 3DS max. Thats bad. Its affecting my career. And of course...every other thing. So, I've decided that I've gotta boost up the confidence more than before. Erm... but I dont exactly know where to start. Maybe I'd start with....

*claps claps* *syok sendiri*

ok la... actually I'm just bored. I've been sitting at home almost everyday, on the weekdays. No one here to talk to so I start thinking about alot of things. And thus... muka also abit masam coz no one to smile to. Cant be smiling to myself right? But really... I still think I need more confidence...anyone begs to differ? heheeheh

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