Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Its 3.30 in the morning and I'm still awake. Not by choice definitely. I'm just taking a lil break, from flash. 3.30 in the freaking morning and i'm drawing nEMo stuck to a fishing rod. I think I'm supposed to present it tomorrow morning, not too sure but I guess I could be excused due to that...meeting with RMIT reps and class reps. At times like these I hate doing unnecessary crap. Here I am PACKED with workload and I still have to go survey the course for the RMIT people. Yea sure they're doing this for the betterment of the course...our welfare, whatever..but..but... sigh. Malas. Its just 2 more days till I'm... 60% free!! Actually after tomorrow, there isnt really mucH left. Anyways, I had a presentation today. 2D imaging, which is photoshop class to be exact. Supposed to be some..innovation poster. my quote "be different from others" I had the concept..but execution wise.. kinda failed. William helped me do some LASTTT minute work to cover my ass. Look what came out.

I thought it was pretty cute. Unfortunately, the lecturer thinks its some water tumbler...
=___=". At least I has something to present. hhehe. Mr Elson's a nice guy...gARhhh.. I'm very tired and sleepy. I've been getting an average of bout 3 hours of sleep a day since Saturday. I'm getting ulcers and im biting myself alot. Drink more water? yea..I know. The world's telling me to do that. I will I will...when I remember. =) So... I should get back to work now. Its late and the RMIT people shouldnt have to see a zombie tomorrow. Good night all....

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