Monday, October 23, 2006

Can You Feel It?

Ronski Speed is AbsoLutely AwesomE! Rocking set, awesome lineup of vocal trance. I guess maybe the sense of familiarity made it even better. Having to know quite a number of the songs just made it even sweeeter. Theres nothing like singing to the songs that you know. Oceanlab's satellite, Can't sleep A&B, Dogzilla's without you, Sarah mclachlan's Silence, G&D's Tracking treasure down,Cosmic Gate's Should have known, gosh, I screamed like a mad horse on steroids. I think I was over exited or over worked myself, I experienced some chest pain/cramps whatever and it was difficult to breathe. Wasnt the first time so it was cool. I knew it would go away soon and stayed in the mainroom not wanting to spoil anyone's fun. Patience is a virtue ey? yeah, wasnt very long after that, Ronski played his infamous hit, Incognition. See, good thing we didnt hang around outside =).

The company that night, needless to say, was AWESOME. Initially I thought it was just gonna be me, Krystal, William and Rachel. Turns out, Slinky, Vincent, Bryan Chin, Kel Li, Nat, Joel and Calvin made it too. Bet you guys had no regrets NOT changing venues after collecting tickets huh? Oh, Jace was there too...with...3...different girls. I think she layan-ed the girls more than the music. Bumped into Phui Leng as well too. She dropped by awhile, didnt stay for long coz her friends were over at velvet. Uh.. ok.. I think thats all the people that was there.

Oh, Did I mention that it rained like a bitch just b4 the event? Damn. I swear clouds hate the raining trio.hahaha. Wasnt raining b4 we arrived and it wasnt raining back at our homes. It rained in zouk, where the 3 of us were. crazy.

AND... entry was made possible by Fono kor. I would have been left stranded in the rain if he hadnt came to our aid. Hahah. Ok, I added alot of spices. But yeah, Still have to thank him for bringing me in. =) Btw.. Im not actually that tall, and he's not actually thAt short. We were standing on different levels. Tho I would have loved to keep it quite n not admit.ehehe. NEeEd to add also, Fono played a marvelous warm up set. Too bad it wasnt recorded. =
After the show, it was to the backstage, into the DJ console area for a little meet n greet Ronski session. William got his shirt signed, as usual.

And we, got our pictures taken with him. There see... now it shows how freaking short I am. Ronski had to bend reach...DOWn to us. I can actually look up.. and still see him armpit if he stands straight. hahaha. I'm still recovering from that night. Voice is still... half missing and music is still banging in my ears.

Last night, I went for the Oktoberfest with my family in Deutches Haus, KL. It was grEat! We had so much meat and beer, its enough to last me for a week. German beer is sweet. I think I like it better than Carlsberg. First time I can lift up a glass of alco and cheers with my family. I'm all grown up. LOL. No more drinking coke with the rest of the kids while the adults cheers away. I want in. =) ANDDDDD.... while eating, good thing there was a TV just next to our table. I didnt miss a single moment from the match last night between Manchester United and Liverpool. Oh yes.. you all know how it went down. BWahHAHAhA.


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