Friday, July 20, 2007

Sometimes, It Just Aint Enough

Everyone is gone again. Every Feb/march and June/July, I feel that urgent need to leave this country and join them in the land down under. And then college starts, and my fighting spirit dies. Well, college hasnt begun yet. I'm still bumming around the last few days of my holidays, watching all the box sets, and just when I think I couldnt get anymore...lifeless..... I got hooked on bejeweled.....again.

And with all that time spent on that thing, I beat my own high score. It used to be some 65 thousand something,whatever. Now its 93thousand.Oh joy....pfffttt... ok, lifeless bum signing off now. Need to sleep.

btw, Yong jeemay...I think that bread I ate at the airport is...uhh..not the freshest of the lot. Thank god the trip back didnt take long.hahahaha.I hope nothing happened to you on board.Sighh.. I miss all of you la... all you abroad fuckers. I've been to the airport so many times, I can drive with my eyes closed.Ok, ignore that, I'm just bitching bout STILL not being the one leaving.ignoreignore. K thats enough. goodbye.

p/s: its my bloggie's 3rd bday this month. Its been soo long. =)


jeemay said...

The bread? Trust me you were not the only one. I was busy getting stomach ache and giving a massive lot of bad gas to my neighbour. He's Aussie. He was sleeping most of the time. I wonder was he really sleeping or did he constantly pass out due to the aromatherapy?


Damn the bread.

CHiN said...

ahahahha..I would love to think he that he actually passed out smelling your aromatheraphy. But for his sake..I hope he's really asleep...or at least pretend to be. haha =)