Monday, May 22, 2006

You Cant Forget What You Can Remember

I hope, in time you would understand how I felt. I want to make you understand what its like. But no, You'll never know. Because I can never do to you, or anyone else the things YOU did to me. I'm not like you...

I may have vengeance in my heart, im sure everyone knows that. But the difference between you and me...and I mean a bIG difference is that I have a heart. And I'm not as cheap.I know I'm definitely worth more than RM400 and that means I'm abso-fucking-lutely sure I aint anywhere as cheap as you. Why is that so, you ask. Thats because I dont plan a plot to set someone up only to show the world the monsters in your closet by taking 400 bucks from that person and denying it. In a takes only 400bucks to expose who you truly are. ChEAp isnt it? Where else can you find a better bargain? So what do you think? Greed brings us down? Perhaps. Please darling... you uSed to be smart...smarter than this.Work your way to get your cash. If you really need money that badly...I suggest you go to hollywood.You sure can act well. You have my support, dont worry. Anyways...whatever works for you. Its non of my business.

Honestly speaking, 400 bucks, I can let it go. But just because YOU fuckEd around with me. I want it back. How long can you deny that You didnt fake that accident story and take the money? I've been nice to you sweetheart, you better appreciate it. That incident, is something I hope in time I will forget. I want to forget that you’ve set me up, used me, cheated on me and hurt me, so that should I bum into you someday, I wouldn’t look at you a say “DisGusting!”. Maybe, just maybe I would give you a smile. On the contrary to the ramblings of this post, today’s DATE is something that will always be in my mind. So, Happy Anniversary, you filthy animal. You can count on me not to forget you, sayang. =)

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