Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Panoramic View

I stand here, take a step back from my daily life and look out. Look at things from a different point of view. I watch everyone’s movements like an outside observer looking at hamsters running in a cage. I watch all my friends laugh, smile, and I smile watching them. My heart took a picture. A picture of the happy life I have here. As of this point, I TruLy appreciate everything. Minute after minute slips away and I realized how much its worth. As every minute passes, it is like walking through doors. And as you take the next step, you cant turn around because, the doors Swings shut just right behind you. There's no turning back.

I've never had any great hopes or dreams except for one day, i'll be someone, a person with a life worth living and re-living the moments of that picture I had taken with my heart. I am a person that's never good at making a start nor adapting to changes. I know I cant help that things will indeed change. Nothing stays the same without a doubt. Cant see the future now coz we cant see with our eyes, we perceive with our minds.Dont let this moment end...Dont miss it only to turn around and regret....There's never enough time to say what you really want to say, or do what you really want to do.I blame procastication.Hadnt it happen, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t feel the way I do today, but yet, I wouldnt have what I have today.I've finally got what I wished for. I should be happy. But for it to come only at this time, was depressing because this is when I dont want it to happen. Have you ever felt like running away, but there's no where to go? But when you've found a place to go, you dont want to run away anymore.Timing, that made all the difference.Time, made me see that every beautiful beginning, still must come to the same bitter end.

"take a look at my face, there's no price I wont pay"


hyperpiggy said...

life is just super unpredictable!!!
but living it with no regrets its just wat we shud do...
hopes and dreams are just wat we wish and want.
but once we really achive it... it sometimes becomes nothing!

*past is gone, future not yet come, being here in the present and making the best out of it, is the ever best thing you owe yourself*

smile and be positive each day!

CHiN said...

Pig....im starting to feel funny edi...its not the regret,nor the past... its just..#@%$#@%$#!!@@#...i duno.its sinking in