Sunday, February 03, 2008

When Busy Streets a Mess With People

I'm BacK! Now gonna catch up on lost events yeah. First up, Lap sap on 16th Jan. My, that sounds like a really long time ago. If i'm not mistaken, the theme was futuristic. Unfortunately, we were running a little late and I didnt have time to dress up for the occasion. I didnt really know what to wear anyways.

"When I grow up, I want to be just like Mr. Puah. I dont have a picture of him...hmm nvm.

It was ROCKING!! Freaking good night. Better than the first one i went for, i feel. LOVED it!

See....everyone sooo happy.

Especially me.... hmm. Beer....

The mandatory Raining Trio's Picture. Our first lap sap together.

o.0 ???

Blink a.k.a 5 feet a.k.a ah boy a.k.a Hoe Yin. phew... so many....

Happppy Nat and smiley May lurking at the scary come to think of it. eeeee.

Halfway thru, someone threw those papers.. At first it was abit dodgy, Like some kinda sign of death.... but when you dont really care, you....

stick em on your head. Like they always say, "if you cant beat them, join them!"

Actually by now I cant really remember what happened. Not that I was drunk and all. it was all good fun. But its 16th of Jan... kinda long time ago. So.. yeah. thats all from me now. WE R LAP SAP!!!!

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