Monday, October 08, 2007

When Sunrise Never Comes Again

I dont know if its me, or has the death of teens and young adults been increasing lately? And its all because of car accidents.Maybe I have just been more sensitive to things like that recently. Its such a waste that life ends like that for them. I guess all good things...must eventually come to an end. Maybe its a way of controlling the world's population. Maybe its a warning for other youths who may have been affected by the loss. Maybe they were good souls in the past life, and having a shorter life this time is a good thing? Maybe... ahh.. I dont know. I cant stop thinking bout when might be the last time I see certain people, or that pain of losing them, or the family's pain, their mother's cry and the lost hopes. Maybe if we're not so attached to other people we would not feel all those emotions when they're no longer here. You wouldnt feel the loss, you wouldnt feel like something's missing. I think about it so often, it annoys me. I know its a good thing, to be careful all the time. Its hard to change. But its changing me.

Let me explain.... I love alcohol. I love my nights out in a club or a bar, with friends and music.I dont care if I'm smacked drunk or pass out from it,I know I can think of ways to get home. But what about the people that I was with? If I cant make sure that everyone gets home safe after drinking...I have to worry about who I might lose or worse... Who I might kill.

Oh, blame that damn newspaper today. I didnt have to read about those 5 people dying. Not at 6am and Not at Serdang hospital. Anyways... gotta go edit my movie now...Presentation's tomoro.

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