Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dont Worry If The Sun Dont Shine

Friday night for dinner, I went to look for my sister that I havent seen in... a couple of weeks. Since I can never wake up in time to have lunch with her, dinner was the best I could do. Was happily chilling at her place around 11 ish, came the call from little girl, inviting me to go to Loft as it was Victor's bday. Knowing me pretty well, she knows what to say and how to tempt me. After thinking about...231412 times, thinking about how agreeing simply because of the drinks would make me look like a total the end,I agreed to go.

Where ever Victor goes, you know the party is goin to be havoc. And I was right. He took up the whole of the VIP area and had....3498713478 bottles. We never ran out of bottles,as soon as one is done, I see a few more coming.I was not save where ever I go. Lost count of how much I drank. I know when I left, I was fine.Pretty darn high, but fine. I even drove back to DU to meet up with the rest of the gang for food. Had my rice...milo...and dropped everyone home. Then I came back n crashed around... 6 plus.

The weird thing was when I woke up. I was spinning like I was sitting on a Ferris wheel on turbo. Next thing you know......

Lo and behold.... my masterpiece. Don't ask me why I puked in a pail instead of the toilet. If you want to, I can give you 2 guesses. If not, then I'll spare you the details.

Ohh... no more binge drinking...I shall drink regularly ey? okok,sorry for being disgusting. I had nothing better to do and no other pictures from that night. I made the picture smaller than usual anyways, not like you can see much.....just..the color....and some texture.... okok, I'll stop. =)

Song of the day[thanks to Wai Chung]
Supermode - Tell me why

Speaking of weird, THAT night at Loft....and the things that happened there... was weird. Shit was, I heard things that is....YuCk to my ears when I'm not drunk enough. uGh.I dont think anyone would have understood what I just said, except maybe the druggie =).ok...going to sleep now. Dont forget to wish your daddies Happy Father's Day... WHOS YOUR DADDDY? Adios AmigoS!

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