Monday, February 26, 2007

Its Time For Goodbyes Again

Today is yet another goodbye. I'm so familiar with the airport I think I can drive with my eyes close. Metaphorically speaking. Look at the picture, it was taken 2years back. TWO YEARS! back then, I'd never thought of the day that all of you would be gone. 2 years later, today, its a reality I cant deny.

So Joce is gone too. Sending everyone off one by one really makes me feel it. Being 2 years behind is really a big gap when you know your friends are GRADUATING by the end of the year while you're still stuck here waiting for your turn to fly. I'd rather be able to go over than to go Maison really. I'd give up Maison for it. And all my other clubbing nights. Serious. Desperado speaking here. While I sit here and slowly await my turn, I wish all of you well, be good! and take care. Work/study hard! it better be worth it to leave me here ok?! So cheers to success and I'm happy for you girls. Go get some Honors or something, make me proud. haha. I'll miss you, you silly Dory.*BIG HUGS*

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