Sunday, February 26, 2006

Why Should I Take The Blame

Dont you think human relationships are so funny? Its as tho everyone is only out to look for something in someone. When you found it, you stick and when it doesnt satisfy you anymore you leave. Everyone starts out being friends and all... then some will turn more than friends... and when its over, sometimes, you're not even friends. its almost like the entire time spent with that person, never existed. Erased from your memory. Like the men in black people coming to you and sticking that stick to erase your memory. Some people learn from it, n some people dont. Some adds you to their shit list and some people mourn your departure like they're mourning someone's death.And then you move on and cross paths with another person... and the whole cycle of meeting, getting close, and memory erasing goes again. Unless someone decides to stop the whole stupid predictable cycle. Seems like we humans are just looking for trouble arent we? getting ourselves into situations and bitCh bout it in the end. Quite PoinTless... Furthermore, dramas like that attract people to SprEAd RUmouRs bout COmplEte utter NOnSense. Do people really have nothing else better to do? How is it that the brain is used so Excellently to think of rubbish but not on how to work on their own lives? Unbelievable.

I dont know what is it with Sundays and Me thinking funny... hahaha. Maybe the eggs I just cooked were OVER SALTY. omg. I havent tasted anything THAT freaking salty in awhile. anyways... donT mock me bout my whining, I think i deserve the rights to.offff to smoke. end.

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