Thursday, March 24, 2005


Words are the WoRSt bullshit ever.Words makes you look Soo FUcking angelic and nice and sweet and convincing...caring all that jAckshit.everything. But HOW true are they?Why cant anyone LISTEN to the things they're fucking saying outta their mouths before telling them. There at one point im being encouraged. Said i could do Anything i wanted to, no matter the coSt oR how far. BoLLocks.Now? You Fuckers once choose to build my dreams up high and now choose to destroy them? Lies, Sweet liEs.If only i was capable of earning my OWN money, i Swear, TO HELL with all of you. Makes me SICK.Underestimated...? THATS your pathetic reason you give me? FUCK you man. Dont you have any other better reasons than that? Spend la spend. Spend all your god damn money on Crap stuff for house DECORATIONS?? batch after batch of FISHES? your crates and crates of WINE. And you claim MY LIFESTYLE is expensive.HAvent I had enough of the SHIT from all the things YOU've done? so much that even my future has to be compromised?You're one HELL of a bastard man.If you had SpAred your DICK from being so GOD damn itChy, EVEryonE would have been better off now, wont we?

FUCK you man, Fuck you to hell. I cannot even bEGin to imagine how fucking much you make me SICK, OLD FOOL. Im surprised i didnt KILL You. Both of you.

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