Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Mental Movie Scenes

It’s amAZing how memories nevEr seize to give you emotions throughout the day...juz like food for the mind.Memories...when it's good...makes you feel the utmost joY and satisfaction for being able to have things that happened in your life you know you've enjoyed and now cherish. bAd memories run through your head like a movie that's repeating over and over again. Everything seems to be related to the past. The echoes of words circling in your head. The haunting voices that seems to be ScrEamIng right into your ear drums. The feeling of..... what uSed to be there lingers on.

dont sometimes you feel like having a bRain of a child? You wont remember anything GooD nor bad after awhile...lonGest maybe a few months or sumthing..PluS they're too young to understand all the complicated feelings and emotions.MAybe if i could be like that.....how endlessly blissful it would be.....

1 comment:

jolene said...

i wish i could be like that too. they say ignorance is bliss. hell i couldn't agree better.