Friday, November 26, 2004

No Warmth Under My Umbrella

ExAmS are OVER!!! NoW I can really go out and pAR-tAy! Doesnt really make much of a difference actually..not like I kEpt myself home and study THAT hard. =\ but well.... it's over, GonE until...mid next year. Wished I could say it's gone FOreVEr! do things that are more of MY kind. Things that require neither book MUGGING.. nor memorizing FActS! YUCK! yEa...that would be of stuff. Though im pretty lazy to do anything bout it...but well.. the task is given, therefore the job must be done.

Went up to genting yesterday. Stay over 1 night. And BlooDy heLL!!! what the FuCK was wrong with that day man..?? Things just couldnt get any worse. What a way to mark the ending of my exams. Total waste of the day. Maybe I should have just stayed back here and celebrate. Sigh.... not meant to enjoy?? Dont know. Funny how I feel like I have nothing to do now and feeling bored when all these while I just couldnt wait for the exams to be over and holidays to begin. Feel like im gonna be wasting my days. What am I to do? Who wanna plAy some sports with mE? or...gimme some Work to do. But plz.... NO PROGRAMMING. ARghhh... getting agitated due to the lack of sleep. Never missed my
bed more than this. And nEver knew mosquitoes were SUCH IRRITATING PAIN IN THE ASSES BUGS!

GooD night.

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