Monday, July 10, 2006


World Cup. The killer season. In a way, I guess I'm happy its over. All in all, I've lost 300bucks coz I started betting. So yea, no more games, no more attempts on trying to get my money back, no more losing MORE than I already did, no more STUPID moves. Betting is stupid, and I'm the bigger idiot for playing the game. Hey, sounds familiar. Sounds like what I've always been doing with my life doesnt it? hmmm....

Well anyways,I'm just bitching coz I lost money. But I did enjoy the world cup, dont get me wrong. Penalty shootouts never fail to make hearts skip a beat. Besides the addictive games, I've been DVD-shopping again. Got myself CSI's season 6. hehe I've watched it all, so now I'm faster than those following it on TV. I also bought Prison break. Shit...its pretty darn addictive. Yesterday I slept at 11AM watching that right after the Germany Vs. Portugal game.haha.

So,in approximately 30 hours from now, I'm be in a plane flying off to Langkawi. A part of me is pretty darn exited, but a part of me is frEAkEd out at the fact that I'll be having alcohol and nothing but alcohol for 3 days. For those who didnt know, I fuckEd myself up with drinks JUST BEFORE goin for Christopher Lawrence. Thats not the bad thing. Bad thing is, I completely Humiliated myself in Zouk. So plEAse plEAse, no more flaming lambo PLEASE. I'm terrified. honestly.....Okay, so William, I'm sorry if I fucked it up in anyway. Krystal, thanks for following me home and staying with me.

1 comment:

Khaleesi said...

you're most welcomed my dear chinchilla :)