Thursday, August 19, 2004


“Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.” - Confucius. A saying I had always lived to. Though never knew it came from Confucianism. Confucianism however doEs stick some thoughts in my head...I believe in someways Confucianism teaches you to do things with love, goodness and the purest of the heart. Confucius said that everything that you do should be done FOr the love of doing it. He also stated that in someways, believing in religion is not done for the love of the religion but to expect something in return. for example, religion teaches us to do good deeds and in return, you may be "rewarded" to be a higher being or some sort. This would result in people doing the good deeds not fOr the love of doin good deeds, but for the sake of getting rewarded.It's all human nature i would say.....that almost everything that we do, we expect something in return. There isnt much that we all do for the love of doing it, unless it benefits us in someways.

Have you ever thought that if...everyone had followed confucious's teachings, all the BuLLshit corruptions today would not exist?Hell...dont think MOney would even exist..i mean..wats the use of currencies if everything that you do need not have anything back in return? i think the world would definitely be a much more peaceful place. But then again... u know how the world could NEVER be perfect. Not EvErythiNG could be done with the willing heart. and not everything that you do in something that you truly love to do.For example...y do people work? bEsides getting the money..we all work our asses off for a reason...survival. Everyone nEeds to survive. Getting your education and after that going to work is not something that people would TruLy love.Sure...there ARE people who love their job so much they're willing to work oVertime for nothing. but that's a different case. we're talking bout people in general. How many are really like that?Even when they REALLY REALLY loVe their job..they're still looking forward for pAy day... and im Pretty sure of that.

Aristotle said... that babies are born innocent. and i agree with that. juz like a piece of art. Art begins on an empty white canvas.Along the way, the canvas gets painted with all the different types of colors and in the end? however the painting looks like... is like how the person is. Humans tend to imitate one another.If they happen to follow someone gooD they would be good..and likewise. Paintings are juz alike...depending on their painter, if the painter enjoys dark colors, then the outcome of the painting would be dark...and likewise. And yEs... i also agree with Yong Jee May's definition of life as a piece of music... same kinda meaning... =) [refer to scoopie's blog]

anywayz... i think enough of all these philosophical BuLL crap at this time of the day.Im supposed to be researching on Taoism anyWay..Juz thought that the ways of Confucianism is interesting...however debatable.hEck..everything iS..

till the next time i feel philosophical....gooD nites


jeemay said...

my bloG rox! and it's full of gOod buLLshiT. Do you good ya knoW. Aiyo, cmon man. Y'think everyone can be gOodY twO shoEs? Look at yourself man. Super contaminated. Nyahaha. TaoisM? You belum understand your own religion wanna go find out about TaoisM. Kena banG from me's damn nice to annoy your theSe days. Very the fUn. Muahahha. You always live up to Confucius's words? Nyahahhaha. OkAy. Good Chin. Good. Babies, humans, animals..sentient beings, are all in this world...but not innocent. As long as you're in this world, you'e bounded by the law of samsara. Bet you tak paham. Dets y la i say, Buddhism pun lu belum paham lagi mau find out TaoisM. PengAnuT aPa ini? k la solly solly. Suka only mau step step you. Give you lollipop. =P

jolene said...

Have you ever thought that if we had peace all around us, life would be so boring? Heh, there is no meaning to the word peace if there's no war. *grin* Think about it.

Yes everything is debatable, especially religion, because everything is simply intangible and all we do in life is just believe. Think for yourself based on beliefs. I'm not here to preach on my beliefs though, because I'm definitely not devout, so I have a lot of different views and we'll end up arguing over them.

Err..I honestly don't want to sound mean, since this is the first err remotely sensible post. Heh, but your entire second paragraph was rubbish. Yes. Read again, and think about it. You typed an entire paragraph, and in the end you came back to square one. wtf?! Hehe. This isn't very philosophical yet, since it's just agreement with philosophers. =)

However, I do think that the original Jewish saying went this way: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If I'm not mistaken, the Confucius one came later. Essentially it's the same meaning anyway.