Friday, July 09, 2004


hMm...okay..first things first. i Woke up kinda early today, which is at 10 sumthing.had lunch with my sister who's eager to see me n counsel me bout me always arguing with my dad.she told me alot of stuff bout mySelf that i didnt realise. im bAd at letting go stuff. things that happen to me dont seem able to Exit my hEad. i end up fucking things up more. it's either no one understands how i feel towards my family, my dad, or mayb im still young and full of anger, and not matured enough. sigh.

okAy fuck the family, farewell dinner with kevin n his friends. SupEr goOOod food! dinner started LATE! EvERyone was SUpEr hungRy! after dinner went to bangkong park in bangsar n opEn boTTlEsss yEAHhh. wAtched those guyS challenge each other to ARm wrestling..haha.. ALIF's gooOoD.somE undisputed champiAnG. oh yEah, i got myself a new pet. a toAd.sound stooPid? but it's cute.haha.

im gonna miSs that pAnjang big's gonna start without him man.with alvin
inStEad.i SwEAr.. im gonna study this sem. Aint gonna fail again.finish my diploma n get the heLL ouTta here. away from alvin, from my dad, away from EVEry GOd DAmn muTher FUckIn juz kiddin..=) away from re-sitting again.

anywayz, i think im Done biTChing bout stuff tonite.takE care. good nite. =)

1 comment:

jeemay said...

hey, since when did you get a blog? Well, wish you all the best in everything you do man. I'm getting real sick of my blog somehow. Friends come and go. Physically they're not there doesn't mean that their presence are not in your heart right. Change is good. Just know what you're doing. Take care dude.