Santa came in a form of a wrinkly "old" man who came to fix the computer.
why "old"? Bcoz he doesnt want to admit that he's old. The older he gets, the younger he wants to be.
Dinner was turkey, ham and sausages.
I saja gatal, took pictures with a knife at their throat... is that like..some pantang thing?
Stupid me forgot the tripod, had to use whatever available. Everyone was too hungry, no one bothered to pose for another shot, so thats the best group shot I've got.
After dinner, we went up to the peak to check out the lights, deco and all
It was SOOOO foggy, cant see much
I pumped up the Iso to 1600, and.. I forgot the shutter speed. Anyways, I just like how the back lights looked like its some kinda explosion while the subjects, me.. and bro n nephew are still not over exposed.
On the way down, we took the cable car. My sister is afraid of heights, she hugged the pole and hid her face the whole way UP and DOwN.
We came back down after the "countdown".
Had the... jello.. something like that. It was so cute. it had Snowmens and candy cane and all
mom cut the snowman's body. Everyone got emo.... because the snowman was headless... or bodyless.haha
It was pretty good. So.. yea, that was my Christmas. Boring...but ok la..... acceptable.
NEXT.... Penang trip....omg.. need to wrap up 2007 lagging.
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