meet (from the left), Mr.Grouse, Mr.151, Mr.Johnnie, the Apple twins, the Vanilla twins and Mr.Ken
We wanted to take a Raining Trio picture....just incase William didnt turn up, we replaced him with Mr.151.hehehe
151 is GOOOOOD. GImMmme gimme more!
80% of the people who were there that night. Some came,n left.
The red lobsters. cant really see the color here but, they're the ones who gets REALLY red...especially that one sitting on the far left...
ooop... whats going on here?? hmmmmmmm
ALL the CHINS unite.
Ah..look, the real deal made it....sorry Mr.151, maybe some other time.
Some of them played some dare game, and dont worry, nothing explicit there.
Except maybe for this one....
Shannie taking in the 151 shot.
................No comments, drunkard. Very entertaining tho....VERY
Jinyin....drunk...but Eugene looked MORe drunk.
The morning after..... I'm too lazy to type out everything. Bottom line is that, IT WAS GREAT!! Except that I didnt get drunk. I know, I know.... you probably dont believe me... ASk them. I want round 2. Maybe I shouldnt have had that butter.... =(
To those who were there, ThanKs for making it happen. I'm sorry, if there was anything that was unsatisfying. I hope that it was as good for you as it was for me. Its my first time hosting something like that,mistakes are lessons. To Carmen, YOU SUCK for leaving so early. To William, YOU SUCK TOO for coming so late. hahaha.
Happy New Year, everybody!!!!!
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