Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I am the one, people used to call for company
I am the one,people used to seek comfort in
I am the one,people used to ask for help


I am also the one that was uSed to step on because I would always give
so that they wont feel lonely, so that they could have the things that they want
I am also the one that was LiEd to,so that they wouldnt have to explain anything
so that asses wont be kicked.

I am the one,people apparently think they can kiCk around
I am the one,people use to practice their lYing skills
I am the one,people used to practice their ACTinG skills.
I am,in that way, a very good practice partner.

Who am I?

who else....me


Jessie said...

Why oh why do you say that?

Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention that people go to you because everyone knows of your sincerity and that you won't judge despite the circumstance.

Chin up, chin. =) There are people who care about you too that you can go to.
