Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My Memory Is All Around

8th April 2008. Everyone had to choose this date to do their thing. Its a day of mixed emotions for me. Why? k... no 1, Andrew was cremated that morning. no2, my mum's birthday. no3, Afiq is leaving for Ireland, and I have no freaking idea when he will be coming back. I seriously hope, its not 4 years later like he said. Sad, happy, Sad.... seriously.... some mind fuckin day.

Its 3am now and I cant cant sleep, but I'm not awake either. Need to finish up my assignment, which is due later in the afternoon. 6000 words proposal, and my brain is not moving. Been looking blankly at the word document since 12ish a.m and now i only have....950words. Wehhhh... I'm fucked. Sigh... ok, I'm talking nonsense now btw. Need to stimulate my brain abit. Doesnt seem to be working yet. Maybe i'll go on talking more shit for awhile.... let see..... peppermint lamb was good. I didnt finish it. Now i'm half hanging, not too sure if i'm hungry or not. Maybe i'm just greedy. I asked William if he thinks that I'm hungry. He said he's not connected to my stomach. He's coughing alot, which I thought had interrupted my wireless connection with my stomach. That was random.....and I'm still blank. Not the best time to be thinking about mARketing fucking strategy.... &#^!$!!#@#. Ok, sorry to whoever that reads this. I might have just wasted say....5 minutes of your life. 10 is you're a slow reader. 2 if you're a pretty fast reader. hahaha. ok... byebye

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