Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What did you learn, what was it worth?

*yawns*.... Now that I have my internet running, I dont have anything to update about... I dont have a compact camera that I carry around. And... there hasnt been much going on around here anyways. Heh.... so...umm... the weather is getting better, aint so cold now, signs of the end of winter and the coming of spring! yay..

Anyways... its Slinky's bday right now. Everyone gathered at my place for BAK KUT TEH and Nat made some lil cupcakes. Oh.. what a good dinner..ugh. I need to get pictures from everyone!! K.. so.... thats all that I can say for now.... system is shutting down anyways. Class at 9 till 4 tomoro =( byebye....

OH wait.. since I managed to work my hard disk.... shall scout for a picture of my fellow raining trio.

K, here goes, Slinky... Happy Birthday. Its been a good ol.....3 years plus since we were frst introduced. It was the start of my Limkokwing days, introduced by Jocelyn, coz you STALK her blog..[hehe, kidding] and bla bla bla... we can go on to write up a history how we met, and how Raining Trio came about, but shall not waste the "netspace" and get on with my shit. So...I'd have to say, I've enjoyed all the times. From, our first Penang trip.....

To all the clubbing times, Lapsap, Zoukout....You have been such a prominent figure to my nightlife, Every MUSIC event, I just need to turn around to look for you, and William.

To all the other Penang trips, that just gets increasingly more interesting everytime!

Its probably coz, you dont care bout going CrAzzzyyy and you make people feel comfortable to let loose and go crazy too....which...is fun...

Its just cool that I can do all kinds of stupid things... and the best part is not that you dont say anything bout it... but you join me instead. ahahahah.... Like I said... your plug's alil loose, and its infectious... hahah but....You're a great friend, no joke. So.... I hope you enjoyed the dinner....cupcakes and all andddd.... umm... have a great birthday la, basically.. I have class from 9-4 later so...wont be around to layan you in the day. But if you feel like drinking at night...which you SHOULD... lets GO! a round of drinks on me. come come...Lim Ah!! haha. k.. I should go to sleep now. Nights..

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