okAy..im bored shit coz theres nothing much to do after the sun has gone down.In tHiS casr,after bout 5.30 im bored.everywhere's closed and its dark already.Not to mention that the weather has deteriorated the past few days.Aussie's clouds are weird i tell u.If u look at the sky and see a biG ass chunk of clouds,you'd think,"okay,its gonna pour soon...like maybe heavy downpour or something" but noooo...its rains for bout half an hour,then it stops for 10-25 mins then it starts again.It keeps starting n stoppin,so the rain last for the whole damn day.As if someone is up there playin with the taps u know? Like one moment,on then another off.Rest abit,then start again.GoD! so the rain last..almost the whole day.hAhaha.
So,update alil on what I have been doin the past few days.Hmm...I got to eat the world's best pizza.GooD shit man.I whacked like..3 slices of large pizza.Oh,the weather here,makes you eat like a coW.And all the people here ever talk about is...FoOoD.Secondly,I was gonna walk into a liqour shop to check out some booze.. i got kicked out,coz the owner didnt think I was legal.Not suprising.But even with everyone telling him i WAS..he just looked at me like im some DAmn ghOst.I even had to teach him how to read my
IC.@$@!$@#. Pigs man.Fine,so I gave up and walked outta the store.Coz everyone was laughing at me already.Calling me babyface all.Then today,while I was walking, I walked into a pole.GoDDAmmit mAn.I was smoking n wanted to throw the bud on the floor,but I wanted to see if I could throw coz I didnt see any other buds on the ground.Suddenly WhAM!! i smacked the pole.Wonderful eh? So again,everyone laughed at me.Suddenly I felt like im a clown.hahah.Maybe I always was a laughing stock.
Oh well,Thats all the funny or rather embarrassing moments that I can remember.Of course I didnt only do all that stupid things for the past 5 days being here.But there,"significant" moments.Im kinda missing home already.Im TOO Malaysian man.Kinda took me long enough to realised that.I missed home coz I missed my pasar malam,mamak,my regular TV shows.hahaha yea of course my friends.Since Kev is back.I wanna be home n lepak with that dude more.OKays..thats it.Shall not hog ppl's comp.Will be back soon.To all thats STILL having exams,GooDy luck u guys.For those who are finishing,or ALreADY done,well....have fun partying.Take care all.bye bye