WAhOoOo..~!!! Im finally online again. OmFg.DEpRIvEd maxxximummm. Now i can finally stay at home n not go CRaZy. Not to say i will be sane after goin online. but at least it buys some time and takes things off my mind at most times.
The days have been crazy. Thank gOodness for end of the semester assignments take takes some of me away from indulging in thoughts. If it wasnt for that, I might have been dead or inSanE already. Too much for this lil head of mine to accept.
Contradiction of thoughts that sits in between truth and lies. When the heart and mind collides, the results are devastating. It is unmerciful. It would have been so much easier if I was someone or something without feelings. Until I decide which I chose to believe, I'll always be here, Tortured by what makes us all human.