Tuesday, September 01, 2009

You're In My Mind, You're In My Heart

Sometimes.... my dog drives me more than just up the wall. Most of the time, it is when I come home expecting that we'll be happy to see each other.. and INSTEAD, I find that while I was away, he was happily destroying my things. This is an example of what he does in 2 hours....
brought down my dvds from the rack....
its a good thing that I sorta "arranged" the DVDs from the ones I like best which is on the highest shelf and the ones that I like least at the bottom. Unfortunately... I do not update the arrangements.

And I guess too much plastic isnt much fun as well....he had to nibble my dvd rack as well. Sigh... why dog... whyyyy? I should start keeping a list of things that he has destroyed. sigh sigh sighhhh... Ok... enough ranting. Next update should be a happy one.. HAppPPpy Merdeka!

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