Saturday, March 12, 2005

I Cant Get No SleeEeeeeep

Im up at this....uNgoDLY hour of a Saturday Morning. Yes, ungodly because I only came home at bout 3.30 juST noW?? HAD to wake up because this..."Astro man" is fixing another extension in my brother's room.....-_-

I am still so DeaD tired. Went Atmos last nite with the Shortys.May and Sasha came along. God, i did not expect Flabby to be so hypEr. Havent seen her thIS crazy in a Long LonG time. Must be the deprivation of clubbing.haha.Anyway, Atmos yesterday was FAbulouS. Better than the last time i went.Which was....2 weeks ago.Shit, they played Tiesto's Traffic.omFG....DrOoLs~~ and then the classic Zombie Nation and Insomnia. WoOoOoo HOOOoo. I had a BLasT. If only everytime i go Atmos, it is goin to be tHaT gOooD. Had no idea i enjoyed myself that much, considering i didnt have the mOoOd for it since Zoukfest wasnt just too long ago. But hey, i didnt regret popping the question. Probably the last time I’ll club with Flabby anyway.... =~(

And oh, i was LearNing to shuffle from Krystal. But couldnt quite get it right. Learned the RunnIng Man and Stuck to it...heck, it was WAYYY easier and more fun anyway [tho im not a mAN...running... =D]
, but drains every ounce of energy in me.ArGhh.... i wanna go back to sleep.... stupid Astro man...go away please.....sigh.......

dinner.... with the entire SounD System =)

There... the WhoLe Sound System..[im the audience, of course]


A vEry Fat looking CHuBBy...hehehe

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