Thursday, November 18, 2004

Genuine DumbnEss

yEs....i admit. It is iNdeeD a name for ME. No onE else deserves such bEautifuL and No one else suits the name more than i do. fail it once, you're weak... you fail it twice... You're thE genuine DumbAss. I juSt Dont get why...WHY mothEr fucKEr...WHY?!?!?. I dont want to do it again.....i CAnt! CAnt repeat it again.....Not bEcause of PRIDE...FucK pride...What'S priDe? i just CAnt WASTE another 4 months doin the same thing.It's jusT a math paper..JuSt a math paper. And i just cant god damn count. Why couldnt i do it? bEcoz im juSt THAT DAmn DUmB Huh?What the hELL man....I was Gonna CHANGE. I was gonna Put effort into work that i do, into my studiEs. YEa...i had a HecK of a gRAND opEning of exams. Where's my motivation to work?? UP my ass turn left.

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