Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Damn, I've missed out on quite a bit. K... I'll do this wrapping up the weekend thingy. Lets start from Thursday. I know theres nothing much that I can say about Thursdays, Because they're all the same. I go to Maison, I come home in the different levels of...drunk-ness. This Thursdays however, was different because firstly, it was Shannie's last Maison. Whole Sound System minus Joce were at the scene. People that I havent seen in a while, Jade went too. Of course, other random people that I havent met in a long time were there as well. Not that I remember who actually..... Anyways, Second part of the unusual Thursdays night was that, Dwayne, our tanker has gone down. I finally GOT to SEE him drunk before I'm out! woo hoo. Also unusual was that HP event that was taking up Maison's space earlier on in the night and left all the reservations and guestlist all hay wired. My bunch of friends ended up having to share a table with another bunch of people, They were being really irritating. Firstly we all settled and agreed to share the table. I moved the bottles so that we wouldnt confuse each other's bottles. Everything was good until one fucker came up to me and asked me who touched their bottles. Like the hell I know what happened to yoUR bottle. Hell, we already got pushed away from the table, we're using the damn SPEAKERS as tables and he still wanna come and ask me what happened to his bottle. IF hE cant take care of his own bottle, it aint my problem. Plus he was so stupid he just couldnt tell me what the fuck he want and how to settle it, he just HAD to go on and on and on about how he had another bottle that was unopened and that my friends had tapped from HIS bottle. OMFG. All of that resulted in a close encounter of fist fights. Pissed me off like hell.I couldnt take the shit and went outside for fresh air. Grr.. okok talking bout it now still makes me burn up. change topic.

Friday~!. I went down to Seremban, together with Smalls, Dwayne, Shan and Navin. I dont know the actual reason to go down, I think its Shan goin to meet her future mother-in-law. But the spirit was from one of the weeks after Maison when I was tipsy and kept screaming out "SEREMBAN SIEW PAU" repeatedly. I eventually got my wish. Bought siew pau, kaya puffs and.. some egg thingy home. That was Friday and now... I still havent finished it yet. too much. At night, we went over to PD. Dwayne has an apartment there so we went over for BBQ. His bunch of friends came and we played football in the tennis court. They invented this game called... tennis-football. How do u play it? Well... its tennis... but using football and... legs. Get the picture? Go let your imagination take over.hahaha. Because of that, I'm having difficulty walking today. Seremban-PD trip was all good.

Saturday. Last night, was Pearly's Bday. It was at her BF's place in Menara Pinang. His place is awesomE! Well, there was a big bunch of people. I was quite lost at first. But you know, alcohol bonds people. After drinking Absinth and chivas and beer, then they started playing this game. which of course, involve more drinking. I quit after awhile. I dont wanna die puking again. I think we stayed until... around close to 6. 3 bottles of whisky, all the beer was finished but no one wanted to finish thr Absinth. When everyone was high enough, we went inside the hall and some started DAnCIng and bReak dance. It was hilarious. Then we started singing EMO songs to close the night. hhahaha. I had a great time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN PEARLY!

ANdddd..... to Rachel Thien.... Sorry that I didnt get to see you before you leave. I still feel bad. But I hope you have landed safely in Melb...take care and enjoy yourself. =)

This is such a boring post... I dont have pictures... I'm still waiting.....

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