Thursday, November 09, 2006

But Its Over Now

Theres been some issues going around and it bothers me. I know its none of my business and its not even happening to me. But if it bothers my friends, it bothers me. These couple of days/weeks and month seems to be the falling of several relationships. Whether it be an official one or not. I guess there are somethings that I wanted to voice out but I felt that, its something that its best not to poke my nose in and sniff trouble. Everything that involves more than yourself takes 2 to tango correct? so it isnt entirely ONE person's fault that what you have doesnt last.

When its all over, maybe there are some regret you feel inside of you. Regret that you ever got with that person, regret that you've made some mistakes. And then is that regret that you NEVER did anything. If you asked me, I'd rather feel the regret of making mistakes than to not make any. At least I know, I've tried and it didnt work out in the end. So thats fine. It would be easier to move on coz I know. But to feel the feeling of knowing or not knowing that you coulD have had something but you've let it go too early would be more depressing. There are so many people in the world. So many that we could choose from to make you happy, make you whole, to complete you. But while you're here sitting contemplating whether you should or should not give it a try, you've lost your chances looking for the person. It was never about looking for the perfect person because there never was a perfect person. Its what you will experience from each other, fall and learn from mistakes then fix them you find the perfections in the imperfection.

It just bothers me to know that, 2 people could have been happy but complications made it impossible. Complications in the mind and not the heart that is. The heart only wants one thing. Love. but your mind is the one thats fucking you up. Maybe you may think that I'm naive and not think about all the other small matters that adds up to the complication. But hell, Why do we all have to make things so difficult? Its a great prize, love. isnt it? Tell me if I'm wrong.


Anonymous said...

being human..we tend to regret the things that goes wrong..but itrynot too..take it as a learning experience..*hugs


Anonymous said...

couldn't help to cry when i read it .

if only this went to him .

if only .

maybe some difference could be made .

maybe ..

CHiN said...

Kellster : yeah, every mistake is a learning process, I agree with you. And there are times when you fall but you dont know why. That, I find it quite hard to take. Coz when you've made mistakes you wanna learn from it, but if you dont know what went wrong, how do u fix that?

Budak : Its not meant to make you cry. it was an instant thing that came outta my head after being provoked by something...i cant remember what. hehe =)