Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Color Me Beautiful

I woke up as usual and got ready for class, the curtains were left open and I couldnt help but notice the bEautiFul color of the skies outside. yeah, everywhere is the same shade of gray. As, I was driving, I was debating whether I should take a picture n write this log. Even if I miss this haze report, Theres bound to me another haze problem next year anyways. haha. But I feel that, this year is worse than last years. So in it goes in to my archive. PLUS PLUS... I cant take my morning puff while driving, I'm afraid of those gray clouds. This is something, even the raining trio cant help.

Looks kinda like DOooMs day doesnt it? Like this is the realm of hell, its burning so hard that you can only see the smoke, feel the heat and smell the shit. hahaha [sorry, syok sendiri..]

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