Saturday, September 10, 2005

Nothing At All

Have you ever felt guilty over something and then realized that you've been feeling guilty for absolutely NothiNG at all?Everything that you've tried doing to fix things,to make things better is a complete waste of time,energy n effort?Sometimes you feel like you've done a bad thing.Things that make you feel sorry of your existence, and then you look around you and see that people are like that too.What makes them different from you? The only probable difference is that I feel fucking ass sorry for the things that I've done,while others....couldnt really be bothered with it.Why do I always give everything to everyone but take everyone's SHiT instead? I would sacrifice and give everything within my means,but im always giving it away to the wrong people.

Everyone, in the end, they're just all the same.Everyone is a liar, betrayer and a self-centered person inside,its just a matter of how muCh all of that shows.If anyone was to say, im just like that too, fine, i'll admit.If im wrong, i'll admit.But tell me what have I Done wrong to alWAyS deserve shit?Of all the people in the world,the ones closest to me will be the ones that kill me.Sometimes, I feel as tho, im put in this world to give people what they need.I give and only give.If I ever want to take anything back, it would be shit. Usually I dont complain,because I do what I do for the love of people that I love.But when the patterns, they repeat themselves, then I start to wonder. There’s nothing in this life for me after all.

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