Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Im so dead bored these days....I missed the old college life.Thinking back... i really didnt mind having classes till 4 or even staying back on occasional Thursdays until 8 to finish up assignments. That was what i call... college life.Now??? i go to class twice a week.... 1 class a day. Thats so....deAd. Yea, sure i have alot of free time... thats so flexible...bla bla bla. But...surprisingly...I'd rather be in college...with my class doin group work and then having lunch break together. That was the life I missed. Now, im juz bumming around most of the times looking for something to do.

I missed having to rush for datelines.I even miss rushing from one class to another, because in between, we had all sneaked out for a 5 mins smoke break.we'd smoke everywhere... including that little room behind of our classrooms which were the compressor rooms. We'd crAmp 3-4 of us inside that mini lil room and puff like we used to in high school toilets.Then we were usually late for our morning classes with Ms.Nages because we're all at the mamak watching Marcus Gobble 4 tosais for brEakfast, just because we simply dont wanna go to class early. So we'd sit and watch him eat, then walk into class together.Open the door and he'll start saying "Hiye, miss, how are you?" and we dont get into shits for being late to class.I missed how we used to always go into the labs not to do our works, but to play games.Then quickly turning the screens off when lecturer comes in. Often times, we gave ourselves heart attack because it was other students coming into the labs instead.A big sigh of relieve, and then the game continues.

Now i can only hope that, someday, we'll have that cheese naan again eh?Wish u all...the best. Thank you for being such nice classmates it was nice having you all as my classmates once. You all have made me look forward to attend classes because, it's simply not jUST a day in college. It's better than JuSt a day because you all were part of it.

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